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Tumuaki Pānui

Susan Jackson —

Kia ora koutou e ngā mātua, e ngā whānau, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Konichiwa!

Welcome to the last term of 2019. We always ask when it gets to this time of the year, as to where the year has gone...a good reminder to value every day!!

A variety of learning and activities are happening this term, complimenting our programmes providing opportunities for our children to be involved in. I hope the summary of events circulated early this term, have helped to coordinate your already busy schedule only 6 weeks until the end of the school year!


We welcomed our new learners and their families, teachers, trainees and learning assistants to our school this term with our mihi whakatau on Friday 18 October. This was a lovely time to come together as a school and meet our new members and their whānau.

Learning Through Play Forum

On Wednesday Natasha O’Connor and Jo Buckenham presented at a Learning Through Play forum at St Teresa’s School. They were asked by Evaluative Associates to share our school’s journey with around 60 teachers from all over Canterbury. It was a great chance to share our successes and inspire more schools to start their journey through play. 

Office vacancy for relief admin person

From time to time, for various reasons, for example sickness, our office staff are unavailable to attend work. When more than two people are away at one time it makes for a very challenging day! We are interested to hear from people who would be available, at short notice, to support our office personnel when needed. This may be overnight notice, but where possible more notice will be given. This is a paid role. If you are interested, we welcome your inquiry . Please contact Tracey Ogle (Office Manager) for further information.