Hero photograph
WMS ICE Driver
Photo by WMS

School Notices

WMS Office —

Please find below important school notices...

School Timetable -

School starts: 8.50am

Morning Break: 11.00 - 11.20am

Lunch: 12.30 - 1.20pm

Lunch play: 12.30 - 1.05pm

Eating lunch: 1.05 - 1.20pm

School finishes: 3.00pm

Please do not send your child/children to school before 8.20am as they are not allowed in class before this time and children are not supervised before school.

Waiting for parents

If your child/children are still in the school grounds after 3.25pm please ask them to go to the office and notify staff for safety reasons.

Lunches -

Tuesday – Pizza

Available through WMS Shop

Thursdays – Subway

Friday - Sushi

Available through WMS Shop

Banking -

School Bank account details - 12 3441 0011112 00

(Though we prefer payments to be made via the school shop whenever possible).

ASB School Banking - 

Deposits can be made any day. Just place envelopes in the black ASB box in the office. Banking will be deposited at ASB once a fortnight.

Medications -

If your child requires medication to be taken during the school day can you please come and complete a medicine authority form which is located in the office. Please do not just send medicine to school with your child - it must be administered by a member of staff and kept in the Hauora Room.

Bus vests and bus notices -

If your child catches the school bus, they are required to wear their bus vest to and from school. We have noticed an increase in the number of children not wearing their vests. A reminder also that if your child is not catching the bus on the day, they need to fill out a notice in the office before school starts.

Dental -

If you have any concerns please call the clinic on 0800 846 983 to arrange an appointment.