Hero photograph
Mihi Whakatau T1 2023
Photo by WMS

Tumuaki Pānui

Tracey Riley —

Kia ora whānau

Since the last newsletter we hosted a great turnout of whānau and ākonga at our meet the teacher and school picnic. Thank you so much to everyone who was able to come along to enjoy some delicious kai. Thank you to the FoWMS for organising the ice creams and Busy Bumbles for donating the bouncy castle. We may look at having another picnic later in the year as it is a great time to bring our community together.

We welcomed a large number of ākonga and whanau last week at our Mihi Whakatau. The Kapa Haka group did us proud, the weather was great and it was so nice to be able to welcome our new staff and families into the school in this special way.

Our thoughts continue to go out to all New Zealanders in the North Island who are dealing with the aftermath of the devastating cyclone event. Like us all, I’m sure you have had whānau or friends who have been directly impacted. To do our bit to support we have decided to add a ‘gold coin’ addition to our casual clothes - (and bring chocolate) day being held tomorrow Friday 24 February. All funds will be sent to schools in flood-impacted communities. The donations will be facilitated by the Canterbury Primary Principals’ Association. Thank you for your support.

Just a reminder that school is finishing early (1.30 pm) on Tuesday 28 February due to paid union meetings. (Whilst the Year 3 and 4 events continue as normal, we ask that parents/caregivers collect your children from school). Please read the included bubble for further information,

Have a fantastic rest of the week.

Ngā mihi nui
