Mandy O'Sullivan - October 24, 2024
What a great week we have had with the finale of our Athletic Skills Showcase. We have been working hard over the last few weeks practicing our activities ready to share with our parents and grandparents.
It was great to the children and some parents dressed up in their house colours ready to participate in a fantastic morning of skills.
We were very proud of all of Tarawhatu for their behaviour and attitude to all of the activities they participated in, it was great to see them all enjoying the activities and cheering each other on. Our special treat from the PTA of an ice block afterwards was very much appreciated by everyone!
We have continued on with our inquiry unit, ‘Who Am I?’ and have started our unit of ‘Keeping Ourselves Safe’. The first lesson involved talking about where they lived, drawing what their house looks like and writing their address. Many children don’t know their address. Please talk to your child at home and help them to learn this important information. We will be moving on to labeling our bodies with the correct names.
We continue to enjoy our Te Reo Maori sessions with Whaea Amy on Thursdays, we thoroughly enjoyed playing kai bingo, everyone was involved and loved it!
It is great to see most children with their hats at school each day. Please make sure these are named!
It’s looking like it’s going to be a great weekend weather wise, we hope you get out and enjoy it!
Hayley and Mandy