Cohort Entry
At Lincoln Primary School, we are looking to start our students two times a term rather than on a child's fifth birthday.
This is called Cohort Entry. Information on Cohort Entry can be found here.
This does not apply to students in other year levels starting throughout the year.
Cohort entry is about helping a student to settle better in school. There is evidence that starting school alongside other students helps them build relationships and supports a smoother entry to school life (Starting School Together: What Do We Know About Cohort Entry?, Education Review Office, 2022)
This means that students are able to start school in cohorts (small groups) after they have turned five. There will be two entry points or start dates per term (set by the Ministry of Education):
- one on the first day of term
- one at a mid-point during a term (normally Week 6)
We are asking whānau to provide feedback regarding the implementation of Cohort Entry at our school in 2024.
If you wish to give feedback in person, we have a hui on Monday 18th September, from 2.30-3 p.m. in the staffroom to enable you to do so.
As part of the consultation phase, we ask current whānau, prospective whānau and local pre-schools for feedback.
To have your say, please fill out this survey by Monday 18th September: Cohort entry at Lincoln Primary from 2024