Hero photograph
Photo by John Russell

Teaching Safe Road Crossing Skills

John Russell —

Read on for a message from the Selwyn District Council about safe crossing around schools.

Selwyn District Council is reminding drivers to stop for pedestrians at kea crossings – but only when the stop ‘lollipop’ signs are out.

The only time drivers must stop for pedestrians is on a pedestrian crossing, at a school road patrol (a kea crossing) when the stop lollipop signs are out, and when pedestrians have a green man at traffic signals.

Although a kea crossing location may look like a pedestrian crossing with kerb buildouts or a pedestrian refuge in the middle, it is a normal section of road where drivers have right of way, except when the school road patrol is operating.

School Road Safety Coordinator Stephanie Hautler says it’s important pedestrians stop, look and listen before crossing the road at a location with pedestrian facilities, and just like any other section of road, vehicles have the right of way.

“I often see drivers stopping to let children cross at cross points. Although drivers may think it’s courteous stopping in the lane, it’s incredibly dangerous and setting our children up for failure,” she says. ‘Slow down for sure as children are unpredictable but please don’t wave them across”

“Children may develop the false expectation that all vehicles will stop for them. Even if you stop, a driver in the other direction may not. It’s unsafe to stop in a live lane of traffic and you run the risk of being rear-ended or worse, being shunted into the pedestrian you were trying to help.”

If a vehicle stops on a crossing point, pedestrians should wave them on and wait for a gap in the traffic to cross safely.

Some handy hints for parents to teach their children:

• Wave traffic on and wait for a safe gap to cross.

• Be bright, be seen on your way to school.

• Cross at the kea crossing when it is operating, this goes for parents too, young people are watching you!