John Russell — May 22, 2024

Please choose your car parking place carefully when picking up or dropping off at school.

We have had some members of our community contact us recently with concerns around car-parking at pick-up and drop-off times. Some of these concerns include people parking on the berms or on the reserve in The Elms. We have also had a number of calls about people parking over driveways, particularly in Juniper Way. There are also still people parking on the yellow no-parking lines on Blakes Road. These parking choices are frustrating for our neighbours and can lead to greater risks for our children.

As you will know, parking can be tricky in the afternoons and is especially tricky with the current road works. Please help where you can by choosing a safe and legal car park, or a carpark a little further away from school. 

Remember that the clearly marked "Kiss and Go" area outside the staff carpark on Blakes Road is for quick pick-ups and drop-offs only and you must not leave your vehicle at all.

Thanks for your support with this.