Alli Williams — May 22, 2024

Congratulations to these outstanding students, who recently received a Principal's Award at Assembly.

Sam T – For being an amazing leader and role model within the team challenges. Sam, you are awesome and we are lucky to have you!

Peyton K – For trying her hardest within the class and always approaching any challenge with a positive can-do attitude. It is great having you in Maunga, Peyton!

Hugo M – For consistently displaying the school values and being a good role model.

Jaxon S – For consistently displaying the school values and being a good role model.

Ternence Y – For consistently displaying the school values and being a good role model.

Pax L – For consistently displaying the school values and being a good role model.

Morgan C – For your quiet, hard-working demeanour, your beautiful manners, and for the way you care about others and the environment.

Malcolm C – For always trying your hardest, and being patient in your work. Well done for producing really high-quality work lately!

Evie G – For having a wonderful sense of Hapori | Community and is always looking for different ways she can help out her teachers and classmates. She shows great Manawaroa | Resilience with her learning by having a growth mindset and having a positive, calm approach to overcoming any obstacles.

Ben B – For wanting to share your knowledge with our class, and for having the confidence to do so.

Livio S - For the huge effort and attention to detail you have shown across all learning areas. We are all so proud of your effort.