Pip Macdonald — May 22, 2024

The PJ Project has one simple aim, to help keep kids warm in winter!

Over 143,700 kids are living in poverty. This means 1 in 8 children go without the basics, including food, shelter, and warmth.

Being cold can have a detrimental effect on health, school attendance, and overall well-being. As the cost of living continues to climb, The PJ Project is one small way we can collectively make a difference for thousands of tamariki.

Prebbleton School would like to be part of this project to help others out.  If your whānau are in a position where they are able to purchase one pair of new PJs and drop them off at the office before the 31st of July, that would be amazing. Unfortunately, 2nd hand PJs will not be accepted. 

Here is a link to their website if you wish to find out more - The PJ Project