Hero photograph
School Apps
Photo by Allison Williams

Are you using our new school app?

Alli Williams —

You can download it to have easy access to school information. https://prebbleton.apps.school.nz/share/

There are lots of advantages to having a smartphone app in today's busy world and we are keen to make communication between home and school easier for everyone. 

Parents can notify absences, email teachers and access the school website, latest newsletter and students' LINC-ED digital portfolios.  The app also allows users to check out upcoming events and copy them to personal calendars. Parents will be able to book Learning Conferences via the 'Links' button, and in the future, we may be able to link parents to ticket purchasing for our school productions. 

From our end, it is exciting to be able to use the app to send alerts for emergencies or reminders about school events.  By subscribing to alert groups, parents will get notices directly to their mobile - a handy feature if we need to let you know a bus is running late or the athletic sports have been postponed.  Just like a Facebook notification . . . it pops up, ‘Reminder PTA sausage sizzle tomorrow', etc.

Developed by Snapp Mobile, the free app runs on iPhone and Android.


1. Go to the App Store on your Apple or Android device and search SchoolAppsNZ.

2. Download the app and search for Prebbleton School.

Subscribe to alert groups:

3. Subscribe to alert groups by clicking the Alerts button.

4. Select the tick at the top, right-hand side of the screen.

5. Select Year Level Teams and tick the blank circle for the team(s) you have children in.

6. Select Sport and Extracurricular and tick the blank circle for any you wish to subscribe to.

7. Exit page via back-arrow or loudhailer.

NB. Classroom teachers will continue to send emails.  Alerts are for when plans have changed, whole school reminders or emergencies.


If you would like help to download the app or subscribe to alert groups, just ask at the school office.