by Kim Alexander

Staff News

Kim AlexanderFebruary 9, 2022

Congratulations are in order!

Lots of exciting developments have happened over the summer holidays, for our super staff:

Richie Cawthorn has become a first-time dad - our warmest congratulations to Richie and Hannah who welcomed wee Harry in January! 

Julia Lambie has shared the exciting news with us that she got engaged on Christmas Day! We are thrilled and already planning our wedding outfits... 

At the end of last year Phillipa Fenemor won a leadership (Deputy Principal) position at Diamond Harbour School. After 17 years working at Prebbleton this is a very exciting change for Phillipa and we wish her all the best. She will be hugely missed.  

A warm welcome to Megan Meecham who has joined the staff, to replace Phillipa in Maunga 6. Megan and her family moved from Auckland last year and we are feeling very grateful that she came along at just the right time.

Julia McIlraith gained a position in her much-loved area of sport at the end of last year, so is no longer able to be a teacher-aide for us. Lucky for us this has meant that we have been able to welcome Melissa McGregor back to the staff in a long-term capacity - welcome Melissa, and good-bye and best wishes at Villa Maria Julia!

A certain Deputy Principal celebrated a big birthday in January - happy birthday John! We kindly decorated his office for him (see photo below) which I am sure he appreciated :).

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