by Allison Williams
Richie Cawthorn — May 31, 2023
Winter has come in hot in the Hub over the last couple of weeks. We have had students go down left, right, and centre with illness, but we are glad to say that more and more students are coming in the door each week, and a sense of normality has returned.
The production work rate has increased. There are cardboard boxes everywhere; costumes and props are being created and painting is happening. The inner thespians are coming out, and the students are honing their choreography skills for class dances.
It was great to see most of the Intermediate Hub ākonga get behind Book Week. A lot of effort was put into yesterday's costumes, and they've really enjoyed reading to the younger tamariki. It has been great talking about their favourite books and taking a trip down memory lane with stories they enjoyed when they were younger. A massive thank you to Mrs Craig and Mrs Heenan for organising all of this.
In maths this term, we've been learning about algebraic patterns and equations, and about the order of operations (BEDMAS). In literacy, students have begun exploring different types of poetry and are learning about the features of text used to construct these. We have also been working on our geography knowledge during our World Studies topic, such as learning about the names and locations of capital cities, oceans, seas, and continents, and mapping these features. In PE, we have been very lucky to have had Tihirangi Brightwell come in and take the students for Kī-o-Rahi. Tihirangi is a Kāhui Ako Across School Lead for Cultural Capabilities. He is passionate about Kī-o-Rahi and teaching ākonga about the game and the Māori tikanga associated with it. Kī-o-Rahi uses a combination of netball, handball, and touch rugby skills, with a focus on throwing at a target, spatial awareness, passing and catching, and teamwork.
Congratulations, Henry and Isaac R for placing first in the recent Lincoln Rotary Quiz. Ka rawe ngā tama!
As always, it’s been busy, busy, busy! But we wouldn’t have it any other way in the Hub!