Year 7/8- EPro8 Challenge

Pip MacdonaldJuly 4, 2024

On Tuesday and Wednesday last week, the Year 7-8 students had an awesome day working through challenges from the EPro8 Challenge.

The EPro8 Challenge is a science and engineering programme where students take part in designing various challenges.  The challenge for our Year 7-8 students was to build an earthquake testing facility where they had to put their designs through various tests to ensure it was earthquake safe. Each team had to use their problem solving and collaborative skills to build their designs using the construction equipment provided.

Here are some comments that our students said about their day.

"It made my mind think about how to create it and how to improve the design, you also got to see your friends strengths and what they are good at." - Paddy

"It was great working in a team together." - Daniel

"It was really satisfying getting the pieces to fit together and making it all work when it was finished." - Ryan

"It was great to see the final product as at the start we didn’t know what the design would look like." - Ethan R

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