KiVa Update...
Term one was a busy and long term and the children were all ready for a break! We have seen some great things among our tamariki during this time...
The teachers have all had a successful term 1 with the delivery of our KiVa programme and we have noticed our children's kindness with each other is becoming more visible throughout the school. We are seeing and hearing about our children showing respect for each other and being considerate of each other's opinions and feelings. During classes we are actively teaching ways of communicating, joining groups, and acts of kindness.
This term we will be continuing this explicit teaching and learning with our classes and we will also be celebrating Bully Free New Zealand Week from the 16th to the 20th of May. The Friday of that week will be our Pink Shirt Day there the children will join the international movement of antibullying by wearing something pink to school.
We are all looking forward to another busy and successful term 2 with our PB4L and KiVa programmes.