Hero photograph
Photo by Mel Taite-Pitama

Te Kura o Tuahiwi Update

Mel Taite-Pitama —

Reality has hit as we come to the end of week 2 of being isolated from our whānau, friends and communities. Our kaimahi have continued to work admirably providing tamariki with an excellent programme of learning. On a beautiful day like today though I hope everyone is able to find time to be outside enjoying the sun.

We have had lots of engagement from our tamariki and whānau through multiple platforms of communication this past week and have loved it all. Our kaimahi have all had zoom hui (or zui, as some people are calling them) to connect with our tamariki ā kanohi and to allow our tamariki to connect with each other. Many of our kaimahi have gone live on class or school facebook pages and all of our kaiako have provided a 'pick n mix' rubric for our tamariki to be completing.

We have loved reading, looking and commenting on the work that has been shared and applaud the mahi that you as whānau have been doing with your tamariki and in many cases, mokopuna. 

Many whānau have had to rely on their parents and grandparents to help and support them during this time. Often we couldn't do what we do without this support so its important for me to acknowledge our kaumatua and what they do for us. Equally I know that many of you will have been supporting our kaumatua as well with grocery shopping, collecting phamaceuticals and keeping gardens an lawns mowed. 

If you are a part of our Tuahiwi School whānau I want you to know how hard your kaimahi are working for you all. They really have made my job easier by being the great people that they are. Sometimes what you see out the front doesn't tell you the 'behind' story. They literally spend hours preparing, delivering and then reflecting on what they have done. Their mahi makes me so proud. 

Our kaimahi have their own whānau and responsibilities at home to cope with but they are there every morning for karakia, or making video's or reconciling bank accounts or homeschooling their own tamariki or.... the list could go on. Its so lovely when I see beautiful messages thanking our kaimahi for their work. Please remember to thank them if you haven't already. I know they really appreciate it.   

Next week our kura remains closed to most but is open to supervise a very small number of tamariki for their whānau who have no other option. Thank you for filling out the survey, its was very helpful. 

Distance learning will continue next week and the week after starting back on Wednesday 29th April at 9.30am with karakia. 

Monday 27th April - ANZAC DAY 

Tuesday 28th April - Nation-wide Teacher ONLY day. 

Wednesday 29th April - Online learning kicks off again. 

You will see that we have made a change to the school wide karakia. We will being starting karakia at 9.30am next week to give whānau a little bit more time to get ready in the mornings. Please remember to check your emails and the fb page for the link every day. 

Classroom kaiako will still be running zooms, lives and the pick n mix will be uploaded and shared also. Remembering that this is all optional and just what whānau and tamariki can cope with. 

Tomorrow we will all remember our soldiers that fought for our country and people. Take time to remember your loved ones and those that have fought for you. Call your kaumatua, smile at someone else who is out for a walk or give someone in your whānau a hug. E kore e warewaretia.

Arohanui to you all. 

Mel x