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by Tuahiwi School


Tuahiwi School - March 19, 2019

Its always good to get a reminder for things happening at kura. Please see below for the information.

Hui Tamariki Wednesday 3rd April 2pm

Available for lunch:  Friday 22 March - Nachos $3.50 and Chocolate Chip Cookies $1.50 

Monday is sausage sizzle day this term. This fundraising is going towards Te Rūma Pūkeko camp in term two. Order your sausage sizzle Monday mornings outside Whaea Gaby's class.

Wednesday is Sushi day. Sushi needs to be ordered in the office on a Tuesday morning and will be delivered on Wednesday for lunch.

Wednesday and Friday is Breakfast club. Everyone is welcome to come along and join in. Breakfast club is 8.15am - 8.30am and a gold coin donation per whānau is appreciated but not expected.

Suzi's coffee cart comes to kura on Thursday mornings for morning tea. She is here at 10.45am so please feel free to come along and have a coffee or delicious cake with us on a Thursday morning.

Fun day Friday is on every Friday after lunch starting at 1.30pm. We have whānau come along and help in all different areas, or run activities. Please let Berniece know in the office if you can help. If you don't want to take a group then we could put you down as a helper in a group with a kaiako .

Mini ball Fee is due now. If your child is playing mini ball in Term 1 you need to pay $35 at the office or via internet banking. Tuahiwi School: 03 0855 0334858 00

School koha/donations for 2019 have been added to your accounts. The donations are $80 per whānau or $60 per child if you only have one child at our kura. This koha hugely helps towards costs that are not covered by our operations grant and are greatly appreciated.

All parents have an account with us and these can be paid weekly/fortnightly/monthly. Please see Berniece at the office if you would like to set up a system to pay your account.