Ngā Uara o Te Kura o Tuahiwi
Our kura uara are important to all of us and we expect them to be upheld by everyone who is on our site. We practice our uara every day during wā karakia and have special mahi ā ringa that help us to remember what they mean.
“Aroha ki te Tangata, te Tuahiwi ki te whai ao”
Ko te Manaakitanga, ko te whakatau te mauri o te tangata ahakoa ko wai, nō hea.
Manaakitanga welcomes the life force of any person to our school, no matter who or where they are from.
Ko te Whanaungatanga, ko te hanga i ngā hononga i tō tātou kura me te hāpori.
Whanaungatanga is building relationships in our school and community.
Ko te Rangatiratanga, ko te whakamana i te mauri tau o te tangata i tō tātou kura, ahakoa ko wai, nō hea.
Rangatiratanga acknowledges the leadership qualities of every person at our school, no matter who they are or where they come from.
Ko te Kaitiakitanga, ko te mōhio he kaitiaki, he tūtei koe i te mauri o tō tātou kura me te hāpori..
Kaitiakitanga is knowing that you are the guardian and protector of the life force of our school and community.
Ko te Ūkaipōtanga ko te pupuri i te mauri o tō tātou kura me te hāpori.
Ūkaipōtanga is holding on to the life force of our school and community.
Ko te Puāwaitanga ko te whakanui i te iti i te rahi o ngā tauira katoa.
Puāwaitanga is celebrating everyones achievements great and small.