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by Berniece Ratahi

Important Dates....... Add these Dates to your Calendar

Berniece Ratahi - July 30, 2018

We try to let our whānau and community know about events as soon as possible to enable you to plan so that you can support. Please see our important dates and events below.

Technology every Tuesday for Year 7 & 8

Sushi Wednesday (orders taken on Tuesday to the office)

Pie Day Friday - Every Friday Lunch $2 hot pie. Place your order Friday morning.

16  August Whānau Hui   7pm 

29th August Whānau Hui  2pm

14th September Whānau Hui   8am 

17th August - School Photos

22nd August - Kapahaka Performance for Greypower (Tūranga) 1.30pm

31st August or 3rd September Year 6 - 8 Ski Trip

26th - 27th September Kapahaka Celebration - Ohoka Hall