Tumuaki Update Wāhanga 2, Wiki 9
We have been back at kura now for 3 weeks and for the most our tamariki are settled and back into the routine of our everyday life. We have new tamariki, whānau and kaimahi this term and that is definitely worth celebrating!
It is appropriate that I acknowledge the number of people who have supported me and our team through the past few weeks back at kura. We have had ex ākonga, community members, kaiako from other kura and others who have come in to tautoko and we are so very grateful. Without you all as whānau our mahi at kura is more challenging.
I would love to see more whānau coming in to help out and hang out with us during the week. If you have a day, a few hours or even just an hour to come and join in with us and tautoko we would love to see you. Sometimes something as simple as listening to tamariki read or reading to tamariki can be the biggest help to our kaiako. If you love being outside and can teach a skill for touch rugby or netball come on in and let your child's kaiako know. The more help we get the better it is for our tamariki.
Our kaiako are busy collecting learning data at the moment to track where your tamariki are achieving against the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. This information will be shared with you at our learning progression hui and on Linc Ed. If you're not sure how to work Linc Ed please come in and see Berniece of Whaea Jess and they will help you.
We have the learning progression hui coming up in Week 12. Tuesday 30th June and Wednesday 1 July. These hui are held so whānau can come in and check in about your child's learning. There are three opportunities to meet per year and this is the second one. Please check out the article to help you understand how to book a time online. Berniece is also able to book for you if you need her to.
We have our Fun Run coming up in a couple of weeks. We are looking forward to having a celebration along with our fun run and would love our whānau to come along and celebrate with us on Friday 26th June.
This week I have used a photo of a small group of girls that made some excellent decisions last week. I took these girls out to celebrate what wonderful leaders they are.
Its Friday today and I am looking forward to a work free weekend. I'm studying at the moment though so it won't be completely work free! This evening the staff and board of trustees are heading out for a meal together so that will be nice. I hope you are able to have some down time too.