by Tuahiwi School

Nau Mai Haere Mai, Whaea Dot

Dot SinghNovember 1, 2022

On Tuesday 25 October, Te Pā o Rākaihautū and myself- Whaea Dot, Acting tūmuaki of 'Te Kura o Tuahiwi' were welcomed with open arms with a powhiri at our beautiful marae, 'Maahunui 2' by our lovely Tuahiwi whānau.

Our tamariki from both Kura were so excited to sing together in our wharenui and make connections with one another.

Our pononga ate together and played together. It was an automatic response. I feel very privileged to have had such a wonderful welcome to Te Kura o Tuahiwi.

We have had such a busy past couple of weeks. Our tamariki stood on stage for the 'Rangaihi' Kapa haka competition on Saturday. They put in so many hours of commitment and dedication to this competition and we could not be prouder. I would like to thank Matua Kiwhakiwha, Hotumanawa, DJ and Whaea Crisanna for the time and effort that you put in to preparing our tamariki for this. The experience was invaluable!! 

Our Rangaihi rōpū also supported Whaea Mel at her powhiri at the Ministry of education. We wish her well in her new mahi and know that Whaea Mel will keep in touch with us and remain connected to Te Kura o Tuahiwi.

In Pūaka our tamariki went to Huria reserve where they planted 900 plants. These were the most plants that had ever been planted in 1 day. Tau kē, whānau!

Our tamariki in Piwakawaka have been busy fantails and they are learning gymnastics and visited Ice trampolining in Rangiora this week.They also went on a haerenga to Ōruapaeroa to learn about the wetlands, the different types of plants and the birdlife there. 

We celebrated our Senior athletics day last week where our tamariki were able to show off their skills and talent in the track and field events. What a great event it was and the day ran very smoothly and on time.

Our kaiako are lifelong learners and have had Mahina in from Mahi by Mahi to support them with their structured literacy programmes.We also attended workshops on Monday evening led by the kāhui ako 'Katote'.

I am thankful for the past two weeks that I have spent in my acting role at Te Kura o Tuahiwi and if you have not met me yet, my door is always open.

Have a wonderful weekend with your whānau!

Ngā manaakitanga

Whaea Dot

Acting Tumuaki

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