Te Kura o Tuahiwi|Pānui

Distance Learning at Tuahiwi School - Schoolwide

Mel Taite-Pitama - April 12, 2020

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Mel Taite-Pitama

The live stream I did this morning described what our home learning will look like from a whole school perspective. All of the information is summarised in this article.

There will be two streams of learning for our tamariki at Tuahiwi kura, schoolwide and classroom based mahi. This article talks about the school wide approach. 

1. Schoolwide Learning: 

This will be via our school facebook page. If you haven't liked our Tuahiwi School facebook page do this before Wednesday morning to give your whānau access to the whole school learning. This mahi will not be shared via email as the video's will either be live streamed of pre recorded.  

I know a very small number of our whānau do not have facebook however for the purposes of being able to connect with kura during this time I would encourage you to create one, even if its only for this mahi.  

The school wide learning will begin every morning at 9am with karakia/hīmene/uara. This will run for approximately 5 - 7 minutes. 

At 10.15am we will have a shared waiata session. This will run for approximately 10 - 12 minutes.

At 11am we will have a shared pukapuka and activity for our junior tamariki. This will run for approximately 10 - 12 minutes.

At 11.30am we will have a shared pukapuka and activity for our senior tamariki.This will run for approximately 10 - 12 minutes.

At 12pm we will have a session on Te Reo Māori. This will run for approximately 30 minutes.

We do not expect that everyone will join in on these sessions. They are there if you would like to and we would love to see you all there. These sessions are optional and will be recorded and shared so whānau can participate when it suits. 

Remember that this is new for us and our kaiako will be doing the absolute best they can. There are bound to be glitches so we ask that you are patient as we work through these. 


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