Hero photograph
Photo by Sophie Johnson

Te Poari Matua | The School Board

Wilford School —

Elected in 2023, the Wilford School Board is made up of kaimahi and whānau with a diverse range of skills and experience. It has adopted a co-Chair model to better reflect our dual medium identity while giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Wilford School Board Members

School boards are responsible for setting the strategic direction for kura and ensuring we meet our legal and ethical obligations. Priorities for Te Kura o Wilford have been identified through Te Mahere Rautaki - the Board's strategic plan for 2024/25.

Find out more about the role of School Boards

Meeting dates

Board of Trustee meeting dates 2024:

Monday 2 September

Thursday 3 October

Monday 4 November

Thursday 5 December

These will be held in the school staffroom starting at 6.30pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend.