Wilford School — Feb 18, 2024

In case of a natural disaster or other emergency, Te Kura o Wilford has procedures that we practise regularly to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all ākonga and kaimahi.

Te Kura o Wilford has a duty of care to our community to plan for events such as fires, earthquakes, lockdowns, and other major risks to the safety of ākonga and kaimahi.

The Senior Leadership Team and school Health and Safety Committee oversee the preparation and management of the emergency response procedures. They ensure that kaimahi and ākonga are aware of these procedures and practise them regularly.

See more information about our Emergency Procedures

Emergency Communication

The kura will use the following means to communicate with parents and caregivers in an emergency:

If internet, mobile and phone lines are down, we will use local radio station Newstalk ZB (89.3FM / 1035AM) to broadcast messages.


If the kura needs to go into lockdown we will be under the direction of the NZ Police, and no one will be permitted to enter once the doors are closed.

Please do not come to the kura or phone the school as the lines need to remain open. Parents will be asked to wait for further information and instruction from us.

Contact Information

It is important we have updated contact information in case of an emergency. If you have recently moved or changed numbers, please email the office as soon as possible.