Some housekeeping reminders and info for new families
Te Kura Tuarua o Tawera - February 2, 2023
Checking DHS Emails
It is important that you are receiving emails sent from Darfield High School. Any emails or need to be whitelisted or added to "not spam" or safe sender. Sometimes bulk emails end up in a promotions or your spam folder. It is important that we have your correct contact details; please let us know of any changes.
Reporting Absences/Sick Students
Please let us know if your student is going to be absent. To report an absence, telephone the school on 318 8411 and leave a message, or email
School Buses
Any changes to your student's normal daily bus routine should be communicated directly with our Bus Controller, Amy Tangney, via email
She will contact you directly only if there is any issue with the change.
Please see additional notice around Bus Routines and Behaviour
2022 DHS School Magazine
If you ordered and paid for a 2022 Magazine, but haven't collected it, you can still pick it up from Shona in the office.