Hero photograph
Red Poppy Day

Red Poppy Dress day

Megan Evans —

Students dressed red to support the Hororata Malvern RSA.

The Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association (RSA) was formed in 1916 as a way of supporting those who served their country overseas. RSA members can be from the Military (Army, Navy, Airforce), Doctors and Nursing Corps, Merchant Seamen, Police and Veterinary Corps. The Hororata Malvern RSA also welcomes Firefighters.

Donations are used to help support RSA members in all areas of their lives - for example: medical care or household expenses. 

You may have seen a number of people wearing Purple Poppies in the last couple of years. Purple Poppies are used to represent the animals who went to war. Horses, donkeys, mules, dogs and pigeons were all used in the war effort.