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NCEA results

Te Kura Tuarua o Tawera - January 26, 2023

Last year’s results are not yet confirmed but our first summary is mostly positive:

  • NCEA Levels 1, 3 and UE have risen

  • Level 2 is down significantly. This is a concern as this is the accepted 'school leaving minimum qualification'

  • Compared to pre-Covid, Levels 1 and 2 are down; 3 and UE are up

  • Nationally (by decile) we are doing well in everything other than Level 2 this year

  • Endorsements vary significantly but aren't a major concern overall

  • Literacy and Numeracy are slightly up.

We’ll report more on this as the data is confirmed. Students who are “just short” of the required credits to pass a level should talk with their teacher or Dean about sitting further assessments soon as it is possible to add new grades for a few weeks yet.