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New for 2024 - Timetable change

Te Kura Tuarua o Tawera —

In 2024 we will welcome a new timetable. We shift from our current 5-day structure to a 6-day structure. The reason behind this is that it allows a much larger number of our students to take the subjects they want, especially in the senior school. We will have the benefits of being a smaller school and still being able, for the most part, to offer a wider range of options compared to previous years. Of course, to make this possible, it does mean some change. We won’t be working on the ‘traditional’ days of the week, instead it will be numbers. Students will be given timetables for days numbered 1 through 6.

The magic Day 0 (zero).
To help maximise learning time, public holidays and term breaks are marked as Day 0. This means that the cycle will continue when school returns and no day is missed out. As an example:

Waitangi Day.
Monday 5th Feb is Day 3
Tuesday 6th Feb is Day 0 (Waitangi Day)
Wednesday 7th Feb is Day 4

What about the late start on Thursday?
These will be removed. School starts every day at 8.45 am with Check and Connect.

How can you help?
Whilst the students get used to this, ensuring they are packed the night before with their correct books and gear.