Hero photograph
Josh Wilson and Barnaby Maude

Building a Consent-Free Sleepout

by Shelly Boyes —

So, you may be wondering what's happening behind the safety fence outside the technology office at the moment? Wonder no more - Technology and Careers are piloting a practical project for a new subject initiative set to start in 2024, a Level 3 Building Academy, supported by local businesses and industry. Pictured are Josh Wilson and Barnaby Maude, two Year 12 hard materials students, laying the floor for a consent-free 2.4m x 4.2m sleepout. The students have been tasked to work alongside Mr. Brent Agnew to pilot a practical project for the academy. They are constructing this building from start to finish, including all quantity surveying, pricing and buying decisions.

Josh and Barnaby have found out very quickly that their communication on this project is the language of mathematics, physics and economics. What they are learning in class is authentically brought to life in a project that puts these skills and applied knowledge into action.

Mr. Agnew has taught hard materials for twenty years and is a registered builder. He will be the lead tutor for the Level 3 Building Academy. Watch this story unfold in future editions of The Dispatch - or see it for yourself through the safety fence outside the technology office.