Hero photograph
Master Ken Glassenbury, Callum Slattery, Tierlina Payne, Gemma Clucas, Finn Jennings, Maya Haley, Amelia Kohalmi, Hayakawa sensei

Tae Kwon Do grading


On 7 December we had a Tae Kwon Do grading after school.

Master Ken Glassenbury, who is 5th Dan Tae Kwon Do came to grade us. Gemma graded to a yellow belt along with Finn and myself, Amelia graded to yellow tab, Callum blue tab and Tierlina green tab.

The grading took two hours and we showed multiple techniques that we have learnt. This was my second grading but I still felt nervous. I really enjoyed the whole grading but learning the jumping side kick was my favourite. 

I was very happy to receive the award of best in grading. Tierlina has awarded the trophy of the contribution to the club and Callum has received the students year trophy. I would like to thank master Ken for coming to grade us, for the parents for coming to watch and to Hayakawa sensei for teaching us through the year.

Maya Haley

I didn't know what to expect because I hadn't done grading before. The day before I was feeling quite anxious but once we started the grading all of the nerves went away. I was happy with what I have achieved.

Amelia Kohalmi