Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Saunders

DHS Lego Club

Mark Saunders —

Do you enjoy building things out of Lego bricks? Well, the new DHS Lego Club may be just what you're looking for!

A few weeks ago, I bought a Lego kit of the Saturn V rocket - the rocket that took Man to the Moon in July 1969. I had my eyes on this kit for quite a while, but always thought it was too expensive. When I saw it for sale at a discounted price, I just had to get it.

Rather than attempting to explain to my wife why a grown man wanted to play with Lego for the first time in a few decades, I had the genius idea of getting some of my students to build it for me. I never expected it to generate so much interest - many volunteers came forward who were willing to give up a couple of their lunch times to assemble the 1,969 pieces (yes, really) to help build the rocket with me.

Image by: Mark Saunders

They really enjoyed themselves working together and delegating different assembly tasks amongst themselves. This was (fun) teamwork in action!

Which leads me on to Genius Idea No.2 - setting up a DHS Lego Club. Again, lots of students have now come forward wanting to join this exciting new club.

There is a "but"... Lego IS expensive. We already have a brand new kit (Thor's Hammer, 979 pieces) which was very kindly donated by Max Whyte (Year 13), but we need more bricks and kits.

If anybody has some Lego lying around their house which they don't want anymore, please consider donating it to the DHS Lego Club!

If you have any questions or wish to donate unwanted Lego bricks or kits to the club, please contact me sa@darfield.school.nz

Special thanks (in no particular order) to the following Lego Engineers who assembled the rocket which now sits proudly mounted in my classroom as part of an exciting display:

Brin Sissons, Heidi Hamilton, Cedar Scott, Sofia Williams, JD Clark, Lerouné Boshoff, Alex Herreman, Cameron Carney, Amy Armstrong, Maxim Wright, and many, many more....

Image by: Mark Saunders