Christchurch Rugby Coaching course opportunity, in partnership with NZ Rugby.

Careers Administrator —

Huddle in for this interactive course where ākonga will learn communication, planning, and mentoring skills to become a confident rugby coach.

Day One: Kicking into day one, ākonga will discuss characteristics of small black rugby players and explore how coaching sessions can help support their skill development. Through kaiako led coaching sessions, ākonga will learn how warm-ups, activities, and cool downs target and support player development.
Day Two: Grab out the first aid kit, as today ākonga will simulate responses to common rugby injuries and learn how to keep participants safe on the field. Ākonga will also understand how to cater coaching sessions to the individual needs of different participants and groups.
Day Three: Knocking on to day three, ākonga will plan and model their own coaching sessions as well as participate in the coaching sessions of other ākonga.
Course Requirements:
Learners must be year 12 or 13
Learners are required to wear appropriate clothing for participating in rugby activities
Learners must currently be involved in a rugby team

Students will have the opportunity to obtain the following Level 3 Unit Standards:
US25805 Demonstrate knowledge of individual and group characteristics and needs for coaching participants in sport
US20673 Demonstrate knowledge of injuries, injury prevention and risks and hazards associated with sport or recreation
US22771 Plan beginner-level coaching sessions for sport participants
Christchurch Football Club 250 Westminster Street
Start Date: Wed,10 Apr 2024, 9:00AM - Fri,12 Apr 2024, 3:00 PM (3days)Students wishing to enroll in this course should come to the Careers Office ASAP, or email