Hero photograph

End of a busy term.

Amanda Wright —

This term has gone by so fast! We have welcomed many students throughout the start of the year. Some of these students will continue with us for the rest of the year and next year. Others will depart this weekend.

Some of our longer-term students leaving have left their mark on our wall. 

Hello I'm Taku. I have been in New Zealand for a year and I had a really good time with you all. Thanks for everything. I would love to come back one day. See You again!

This week we listened to a beautiful speech written by one of our students. He talked about how he has grown in his time here and how he has a better appreciation for his family back home. He has been working really hard on a final presentation to his homestay and I think there maybe a few tissues needed at the leaving party.

Some of the highlights this term for our students has been Winning Cross country, taking part in swimming sports, raising pet lambs from birth, taking part in Dragon boat racing.

We wish our students leaving a safe trip home and we know you will have many stories to share with your families and your Schools. For those staying we hope you have a wonderful and well earned holiday.