Andy England — Sep 16, 2022

Official outline of uniform arrangements approved by the DHS Board covering the transition from 2023 to 2025

Uniform for all students from 2023

Rationale for school uniform

Our current uniform will be available at clearance prices from The Warehouse Rolleston and online until the end of November. There will then be a short break before it will be available from Mainland Uniforms Wairakei Road (and online) at full price. The uniform clearance is a great chance to cheaply buy uniform that can be worn for the next two years so we encourage you to take this offer up.

Transition period two years (2023 and 2024):




The DHS Board has decided the following rules for uniform from the start of the 2023

The following items should be purchased from the approved DHS uniform supplier (Mainland Uniforms):

PE uniform (years 7 - 10):


  1. All uniform items may be worn by any student

  2. Where the application of a rule is in question, the principal is delegated to rule on behalf of the Board

  3. A brochure of the new uniform will be developed and distributed

  4. The uniform is expected to be reviewed again in 2029