DHS — Dec 6, 2022

On Friday 2nd and Monday 5th of December year 10 students went on a trip to Fonterra.

We got on the bus and took a 5 minute bus ride to Fonterra. When we got off the bus we were given safety glasses, a safety hi-vis vest and a visitor lanyard. We then went into the cafe to have a safety briefing.  We went into a room where they had computers that showed the system then went into this room and they showed us the coal fire and they explained how it works.

We went for a walk to where they store the milk powder and saw the robots that pack them. 

They took us where they make the cream cheese but due to health risks and Covid we couldn't actually go into the factory. Everyone went back and handed our safety gear back and headed back to school in time for the bell to go.

Kyla Watson 

I really liked how they produced the cream cheese and packed it in the boxes. I really liked the trip and want to do it again.
Crystal Paulin

When we went to Fonterra I learnt lots about how they make and box the milk powder and cream cheese. One thing I found really interesting though was how they use 1 carriage full of coal per day to power the factory and instead of letting the coal emissions out into the air they reuse it for other uses.
Elisha Hill