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DHS Breakfast Club

Sport Coordinator (Pip Deans) —

Thanks to Fonterra, Sanitarium and the Ministry of Social Development we are able to provide Breakfast to our Students. This has begun with with an awesome response.

Every Tuesday and Thursday at 11am, we will be providing Weetbix, Milk and Fruit to any students that feel hungry or needs a pick me up.

This is a great initiative, if it proves popular or there is a need, we will increase the number of days we offer the service.

It began on Tuesday with over 60 students who came along to have something to eat, making it a fantastic start to the programme. Thursday's second serving was even better!

A huge thank you to 7IC students, Toby, Corrin, Chloe, Rezanne, Henry, Kim and Recien for helping to set up and clean up. Also to Jordan and Anna, our great Year 12 Peer Support students for their help. The Chocolate Weetbix Slice was the most popular add on! (Thank you Lynda). 

A brilliant initiative encompassing all our values; Manaakitanga | Respect and care for others; Kotahitanga | unite our community; Kaitiakitanga | Look after our future; Rangatiratanga | become your best you.

DHS School Values