Hero photograph
Emily Blythe (nee Tasker)

New Zealand Innovator of the Year

Te Kura Tuarua o Tawera —

Hot off the press! Ex-Student Emily Blythe (nee Tasker)

Emily is a past pupil of DHS, She left in 2013 and our school Magazine quotes her ambition "To own my own business and gain my private pilot licence and travel all over the world". She certainly is achieving her goals!

Coming from Sheffield, attending Sheffield Primary School, Darfield High School, then Rangi Ruru and back again to DHS for her final year. Emily had access to the Southern Alps and whilst climbing, she investigated the theories around dispersement of fog which led her down this successful avenue. 

excerpt from Article published in The Press, March 30

Blythe started Pyper Vision in 2016, but the idea of tackling airport visibility through innovation first came about in high school.

I was challenged to solve a problem I was interested in. I chose fog. That led to me first pitching my concept to the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme. With the best of intentions, they suggested I pick something easier” . 

But, instead, the fledgling idea evolved into award-winning innovation, which involves flying a drone (or Remotely Piloted Aircraft) and releasing the company’s specially developed powder to absorb the moisture and clear the runway of fog.

To see an idea that has been formulating in my head since I was a child through to a fully fledged company is a dream come true,” she said.

Blythe attended the gala event at Auckland’s Cordis with members of her team, investors, friends and family and said she had received great support throughout her entrepreneurial journey and having some of those people with her on Thursday night was, “really special”.

To young innovators inspired by Blythe’s win, she said it important to, “always be curious and follow your passion”.

Determination is key, as is the support from those around you. Keep seeking that inspired feeling, and surround yourself with people who have similar values and you can learn from.”

Credit: Stuff - The Press 30/03/23