Hero photograph

SCHOOL BUS Routines and Behaviour

Te Kura Tuarua o Tawera —

Student behaviour is of utmost importance. 

Bus Monitors monitor the school’s expectations and have direct contact with Ms Tangney, the Bus Controller. They are trusted and valued students who have the full support of the staff. 

The following guidelines are to be observed by all students:
• No behaviour that distracts the driver is permitted
• All body parts are to remain inside the vehicle at all times
• Nothing is to be thrown from the openings of the vehicle
• Students are to remain seated throughout the journey
• ANY form of BULLYING is unacceptable
• No food or drink is to be consumed while on the bus
• Yelling or abusive language is unacceptable
• Politely follow instructions or any request given by the driver or bus monitor
• All buses are smoke and vape free zones 

Early Departure of Buses
The Principal will decide whether circumstances call for sending some or all students home early. The Principal will notify the school community of these decisions and other actions will be taken by students and the Bus Controller. 

Firstly, if an accident occurs, remain seated and calm.
There are a number of steps students are to take when such situations arise. Follow the instructions of either the bus driver or the bus monitors.

Be Safe on your Journey

When waiting for your bus:
• Stand back from the road
• Concentrate on the road, the traffic and anything else happening around you
• Wait until the bus has stopped before boarding in single file
• Let the younger children go first
• Do not cross the road until the bus is at least two power poles away

For Parents
• Any student wishing to travel on a bus they are not enrolled on must bring a note from a caregiver or parent requesting this; the note should be given to the school office before 11.15 am on the day concerned or emailed directly to the Bus Controller directly
• Once the bus arrives at school, students must enter the school grounds
• Reduce your speed to 20 km/h when passing a stationary school bus 

For more information about buses, visit:  http://darfield.school.nz/enrolment/buses

Bus Controller 
Ms A Tangney at@darfield.school.nz