Hero photograph
Photo by Sport Coordinator (Pip Deans)

From the tumuaki | principal 2023 Term 1 Week 4

Andy England —

Our students achieving nationally, staff news plus a range of cool events BUT Covid 19 is on the rise...

Kia ora koutou

Congratulations to Jessica Lal, in Year 11, who has been selected for the Youth Voices Group in the New Zealand Curriculum Refresh. This means she will contribute to the shape of the new national curriculum, including being flown to Wellington for a design meeting.

Our Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) had their AGM and elected Tracey Perkins as their new president, with a strong committee behind her. This is a great group supporting our school and I encourage all parents to consider helping out.

Thanks to all the staff and parents/whānau who took part in our Whānau Conferences on Monday. The feedback was all positive, especially having a positive focus about your child and connecting with your child’s whānau teacher early in the year. We will look at ways to improve for next year - for example, very few people took up the awesome workshops offered on building resilient teens and what parents should know about their child’s internet use - and DP Nicola Turner will send out a short feedback survey soon.

Swimming Sports was a great day of fun participation with some excellent individual swims. The blazing heat that day (where did that go?!) gave a bit of a carnival atmosphere. Thanks to the staff and volunteers who drove this.

Covid 19 is on the rise again. The looser rules mean less disruption but the spread is quick and Year 7 has been particularly badly affected. If your child is showing symptoms please keep them at home to stop the spread; we will do our bit with sanitiser, ventilation and outdoor learning where possible, and encourage masks in close contact.

Congratulations to Sam Forward, Deputy Principal, who has accepted a role at Hillmorton High School starting next term. Sam has made a big impact with his focus on a positive student culture and is looking forward to his new challenge.

Ngā mihi maioha (warm regards)

Andy England


See https://darfield.school.nz/calendar/

Thursday 16 March: possible PPTA strike

Friday 17 March: Endeavour Sports (whole school)

Monday 24 April: staff only day (school closed for instruction for staff learning)

Tuesday 25 April: ANZAC day