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'Getting A Push to the Line!'

Shelly Boyes —

Rounding off a week of Gateway courses during the NCEA exam study week was an additional opportunity for twenty selected senior students to 'get a push to the line' for their respective NCEA qualifications. The students were selected by their deans and supported by the Careers Advisor & Pathways Teacher.
The students took part in the very popular, intensive 14 credit onsite Schools Essentials in Health and Safety course, the third course this year provided by Safety 'N Action Limited. Students covered three unit standards focussing on their rights, responsibilities and the consequences of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, as well as practical hazard identification, risk assessment and job safety analysis for a given job task. The learning is designed to present the 'must know' features of contemporary health and safety practices.

Aspects of the course were team-taught to expand on concepts and practices peculiar to industry, as experienced by the trainer and careers advisor.

Trainer, Brendon Perriam, remarked on the work ethic of the group, their enthusiasm, and their willingness to not only do well but prove to their deans that they had made the right choice in selecting them (for this course).

Pictured are the selected students being briefed on the job safety analysis required for 'painting the Rural College roof', as well as conducting a hazard identification of the DHS caretaker's compound.