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New Staff

Te Kura Tuarua o Tawera - February 1, 2023

We are delighted to warmly welcome ten new staff members to the teaching whānau. 

Nicola Turner, Deputy Principal

My name is Nicola Turner and I am thrilled to be here as the new Deputy Principal. My last 18 years in Education have been in a variety of schools (Boys, co-ed, high and low decile, rural and urban) around NZ and I look forward to bringing that knowledge to my role here. I can't wait to meet you and become a part of our local community.

Brooke Pinteric, Homeroom

I'm so glad to be in this wonderful DHS community. Australian born and raised, I have lived between Oxford and Rolleston for 5.5 years now, I have a strong passion for the outdoors and always appreciate chocolate. I look forward to an amazing 2023 with you all! 

Niki Medhurst, Kaiako Maori

Kia ora Koutou, ngā tāuira, ngā kaiako, nau mai ki te tau hau. Hello everyone, student, teachers, welcome to the new year. My name is Niki (whaea Niki) and I am kiako māori. Ngā mihi nui 

Jill Heaps, Year 7 Dean

I'm Jill Heaps the new Year 7 Dean and Whānau teacher. Originally a Southland farmer, I'm a mother of four and I look forward to meeting all of you soon.

Andrea Jacobs, Counsellor

Ko Tamaki Makaurau ōku tīpuna
Ko Maungarei tōku maunga
Ko Tamaki tōku awa
Ko Hauraki tōku moana
Kei Darfield tōku kaīnga ināianei
Ko Jacobs toku whānau ingoa
Ko Andrea ahau
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou,
Tēnā tātou katoa

I'm excited to be covering for Jayne Mallinder this year as one of our Guidance Counsellors. I started at DHS in 2018 and have had some time away working for Mana Ake and studying Guidance and Counselling. Please feel free to contact me for advise or support on

Nathan Sandes, LAL Technology

Nathan joins us from Burnside High School. He will be the learning area leader (LAL) in the technology department. He joins us from the middle of this month.

Sean Ward, Mathematics

Kia ora my name is Sean Ward. I will be teaching mathematics and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.

Tom Manley, PE and Health

Kia Ora Everyone, My name is Mr Manley, I am a first year teacher, teaching year 9 and 10 - Physical Education and Health. I am passionate about mental health, Rugby, rugby league and basketball. 

Feel free to get in touch with me about anything, I look forward to working with the community. Ngā mihi nui

Kay Mair, Homeroom

Kia ora koutou, my name is Whaea Kay I am excited to be teaching with the Year 7 cohort in J1 this year. I love watching the cricket and rugby sevens. If you see me around come and say hi, would love to see you. 

Irene Chillingworth, Homeroom

Kia Ora, My name is Irene Chillingworth and I am delighted to be back at Darfield High School again this year as a Year 7 Homeroom and Whānau teacher. Please feel free to pop into K3 to say hi and check out our Hogwarts classroom. Nga mihi.