Te Reo Māori I Toi Māori
Whaea Niki Medhurst (nm@darfield.school.nz) and Louise Blakemore (lb@darfield.school.nz) - July 28, 2023
9TRM - Te Reo Māori
In 21st century Aotearoa there is an increasing need to be able to speak te reo Māori. You will understand the significance of people, places, and connections and build upon your sense of identity as a citizen of Aotearoa.
You will build your confidence in kōrero māori, learn basic sentence structures through interactive kēmu (games) and learn to talk about yourself and your whānau.
Karawhuia! - Go for it
Leads to: Year 10 Te Reo Māori
Approx cost: TBC
Equipment: Workbook
Contact: Whaea Niki Medhurst (nm@darfield.school.nz)
9RAR Toi Māori - Raranga | Weaving
Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka aweawe te ao katoa. | Artistic excellence makes the world sit up in wonder.
This course will teach the history and creative use of raranga | weaving. Students will learn about Māori patterns, design, tīkanga along with the practical skills to create and work with different types of fibre. Students will learn basic weaving techniques and processes to be able to create practical projects, ie kete (baskets)
Leads to: Year 10 Toi Māori - Raranga | Weaving
Approx cost: $5
Equipment: A4 sketch book folio or can be done digitally, laptop or chromebook
Contact: Louise Blakemore (lb@darfield.school.nz)
10TRM - Te Reo Māori
You can choose to study te reo Māori for half a year or the full year in preparation for moving into NCEA Level 1.
This course is set up to cater to varying levels, and what you want to get out of the course ie If you want to learn sentence structures so you can hold a conversation, if you want to learn some raranga (weaving), getting back to basics. You will have the opportunity to learn some pounamu carving techniques and create a taonga to take home.
Everyone is welcome
Tūwhitia te hopo, mairangatia te angitū! (Feel the fear and do it anyway!)
Leads to: Level 1 Te Reo Māori
Approx cost: $20 Education Perfect
Equipment: Workbook
Contact: Whaea Niki Medhurst (nm@darfield.school.nz)
10RAR - Toi Māori - Raranga | Weaving
Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka aweawe te ao katoa. | Artistic excellence makes the world sit up in wonder.
This course will teach the history and creative use of raranga | weaving techniques. Students will learn about Māori patterns, design, tīkanga along with the practical skills to create and work with different types of fibre. Students will further develop their weaving skills including how to dye harakeke, create contemporary tukutuku and create an outcome of their choice.
Credits: Possibility of gaining NCEA Level 1 Unit Standard credits
Leads to: Level 1 Toi Māori - Raranga | Weaving
Approx cost: $10
Equipment: A4 sketch book folio or can be done digitally, laptop or chromebook, own tools ie gloves, craft knife, ruler, butter knife, scissors, pegs, bobby pins (initially supplied but may want to create their own toolbox).
Contact: Louise Blakemore (lb@darfield.school.nz)