Hero photograph

Power for good 2023

Lily Payton and Neve Molloy —

This past week has been bully free week at school. This year's theme was Power for good - spreading the message of standing up for what's right, being an upstander and being kind, always! It's been a busy week with different things happening each day. We started off on Monday with chalk drawings on the quad with colourful happy and positive messages and pictures. On this day the wellbeing team decorated the school office in pink for the week. Tuesday we had activities run in whanau time about bullying and what it means to be an upstander. Wednesday was another tau toko tawera day with an afternoon of rugby, so during this we spread our message with bully free week stickers for our students. Thursday we had bright pink sticky notes on the chalkboard on the quad for people to come and write a positive message. And last Friday was our annual pink shirt day which was a great success. We just want to say a huge thankyou to our wellbeing committee for their help this week and also to Mrs Cartman and Mrs Reardon too.

Remember - strong people stand up for themselves but the strongest people stand up for others as well.

Power for good 2023