Rural College

Learning in Agricultural and Horticultural Science develops students' understanding of the interconnectedness of all aspects of the growing environment, which includes people, soils, water, climate, plants, and animals. This subject focuses on primary production and predominately stops at the site gate, excluding businesses that support the primary industry. Ākonga will learn about on-site decisions as well as the off-site considerations that influence the production of primary products. There is a strong emphasis on environmental, social, cultural, and economic sustainability and a focus on innovation in response to economic and environmental challenges. Primary production is of national significance as it provides significant export earnings, self-sufficiency, and employment opportunities. The knowledge and skills that ākonga develop through their learning in Agricultural and Horticultural Science open pathways to a wide range of opportunities in life, further study, and career, in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific, and elsewhere. The subject provides valuable opportunities for hands-on practical work that will help establish ākonga appreciation for the growing environment.

He panehe toki ka tū te tangitangi kai. 

A little axe well-used brings heaps of food.

1AGS - Level 1 Agricultural Science

This is an Achievement Standard (with some practical standards) course designed for students looking for a possible pathway to university study in Agriculture. It is possible to gain an endorsement in this course.

Credits: 19 credits.

Leads to: Level 2 Agricultural Science

Approx cost: Voluntary donation towards travel costs (approx 6 trips).

Contact: Mr Rex Smith (

1RUS - Level 1 Rural Skills

This is a Unit Standard skills course designed for students looking for possible employment in the industry. 

Credits: 25 Internal credits. Primary ITO 22 Level 2 credits plus 3 credits at Level 1.

Leads to: Rural College Skills Course Level 2

Approx cost: Voluntary donation towards travel costs (approx 6 trips).

Additional Information: There is a 5-day equivalent Work Experience requirement in your own time to establish the skills that are learned.

Contact: Mr Rex Smith (

Year 1 is equally divided between practical and theory units and covers topics such as Quad Bike and Motorbike Safety, Electric and Non-electric Fencing, Tractor Safety, and Cold Water Plumbing Systems.

Students complete between five and seven days of work Experience arranged by the school and completed during school holiday periods. Students also attend whole-day farm visits where they undertake a wide variety of farm activities.

Year 2, The focus is on skills at a higher level such as Electric Fence Installation and Testing, Tractor Implent Attachment, and units preparing students to work in the agricultural industry.

The Agriculture Academy is based at Darfield High School and is supported by the Primary ITO, farming businesses, and the community.

Credits: 40 Level 2 credits over two years. 

Year 1 is one day per week at DHS. 

Year 2 is two days per week. One day on-site at DHS and one out on work experience. 

On completion, students will have gained the NZ Certificate in Agriculture Level 2.

Leads to: Level 3 Agricultural Science 

Equipment: Provided

Additional Information: Entry into the Academy is through an application and interview process as there are limited numbers available.

If you would like to be considered for the 2024 Year 1 intake please send a brief expression of interest, by email, to both Mr Smith and Ms Boyes by the 30th of August.

Contact: Mr Rex Smith (

2AGS - Level 2 Agricultural Science

This is an Achievement Standard (with some practical standards) course designed for students looking for a possible pathway to university study in Agriculture. It is possible to gain an endorsement from this course.

Credits: 19 Internal credits (Achievement Standards).

Leads to: Level 2

Approx cost: A voluntary donation towards travel costs (approx 6 trips).

Contact: Mr Rex Smith(

2RUC - Level 2 Rural Skills 

This is a Unit Standard skills course designed for students looking for possible employment in the industry. Students will develop skills learned previously to a higher level such as installation and testing of electric fencing, aniimal care and skills needed to work in the agricultural industry.

Credits: 22 credits at at Level 2. 3 credits at Level 2.

Leads to: Level 3 Rural College Skills.

Approx cost: AVoluntary donation towards travel costs (approx 6 trips).

Contact: Mr Rex Smith(

2EQU - Level 2 Equine Studies

This course is a mix of theory and practical. Students will learn about horse anatomy, body systems, and the nature of the horse. There is a ridden component looking at developing riding skills, lunging, and preparing a horse for an event. Skills will help prepare riders for a career in the horse industry and/or develop their own skills on a personal level. Riders will have a personalised program put together at the beginning of the year with a focus on areas that they wish to improve. There are also opportunities for riders to compete in the Interschool events held throughout the year.

Credits: 22 Internal credits

Leads to: Level 3 Equine Studies.

Approx cost: $150 (voluntary donation towards travel costs). Generally, trips will be from lunchtime on a weekly to fortnightly basis. Some will involve transporting horses to lessons, others will be travelling to experts.

Contact: Miss Nicky Voss(

3AGS - Level 3 Agricultural Science

Rural College Level 3 is based around animal reproduction and genetics, plant pests and diseases, calving, and agrichemicals.

Credits: 24 - 30 Internal credits.

Leads to: Lincoln University - Diploma of Agriculture.

Approx cost: $150

Contact: Mr Rex Smith (
