Outdoor Educations Adventures to Woolshed Creek

What adventures the outdoor education class got up to over the past few days!! hopefully everyone has recovered!

I'd like to thank everyone for their support for this trip; people had a good time, made fun memories, had some pretty amazing views, and got pushed out of their comfort zone. This couldn't have happened without your support!

Day 1 included a short walk from the bus to the trail head, and then quickly climbing up to a closed coal mine for lunch. We then kept climbing up to a high point, before descending down to the hut. We set up camp, hung out, went for a swim, or did some other short adventures. That evening it was incredibly windy, so not much sleep was had!

Day 2 we got on the trail a little later than hoped, not helped by a sleepless night. We crossed a long swing bridge, and then climbed up to a rocky outcrop for lunch, before climbing down a steep track to the car park.

As with all trips a few things to learn for next time, but all in all, a pretty fun adventure!