Wellbeing at DHS

An update from the Wellbeing Committee

Rangatahi | Youth tend to struggle more with their wellbeing than other age groups, at Darfield we acknowledge this and hold a range of events like Attitude presentations to help combat it. We recognised the devastating effects the 2019 Mosque Attacks had on our community. For the 5th anniversary we held a schoolwide minute's silence for those lives who were mercilessly stripped away from us, we also released messages encouraging unity, compassion and support as a reminder for all communities and people, that we are better together, united as one.

On the topic of releasing messages, our Wellbeing Committee has reinstated our Wellbeing instagram page, @dhs.wellbeing. This page is a hub for all things wellbeing: from notices and upcoming events to support services and uplifting quotes, we encourage all whanau | family as well as the community to follow the page, the more you know about issues plaguing rangatahi, the more you’re able to support/guide them through it. With that, the committee has also created a podcast called Wellbeing Warriors found on YouTube under Darfield High School - Wellbeing. The podcast has three main members, Anna, Tasman and Jordan, each have had their own unique experiences around Wellbeing. Each episode contains a new topic as they detail tips, tricks, advice through telling personal stories, counsellor recommended strategies and techniques as well as hosting guest speakers. Their latest episode is about conquering stage fright, including an appearance from a Year 13 musician.

Upcoming in Term 2 is Bully-Free week and Pink Shirt Day and Mental Health Awareness and Pride week.