We're excited to let you know that entries to this year's exhibition are now open!

The exhibition will open at 7pm, Friday, 6 October 2023 and run 10am - 4pm daily from Saturday, 7 October - Sunday, 15 October. A Premier Award of $2000 is up for grabs, with many more cash and voucher prizes, keep an eye on our social media pages for further information. People's Choice will run again this year, we are looking to hold The Ultimate People's Choice at Te Huanui in 2024, with ten favourite artists as voted by viewers invited to participate. We're in the process of revamping our display screens to a fresh crisp white, we think they'll really make your artworks shine! Don't forget we have maximum sizes for hung works, 95cm wide x 150cm high including frame. Our committee is also tweaking the layout of the exhibition to better display 3D pieces and ensure works are not placed on the floor (unless very heavy!). We've made some changes to our Youth Section this year too. There are now two categories, 10 - 14 years and 15 - 18 years, with prizes to be allocated over these age groups. Queries to:
Robin: robinjm@xtra.co.nzMeg: j.bmorten@xtra.co.nz Entry form queries to:
Alastair: treasurer.mcac@xtra.co.nz

Enter online at www.malvernarts.org.nz/artweek