Anyone Can Lead

The Year 10 Physical Education classes have been looking at the threshold concept 'Anyone can Lead'. In class we learnt about the qualities of a good leader and worked on giving instructions and improving our communication skills. We had opportunities to lead each other for class activities and then took on planning an activity for primary school students. Some of us adapted or changed an existing game and some of us created new games. This week we were lucky enough to test our leadership in the community by going to visit local primary schools.

We would like to thank Greendale, Springfield, Sheffield, Darfield, Hororata, Glentunnel Primary School's for allowing us to come and visit and lead their students. As well as some of the Year 7 classes at DHS for giving us their time.

We would also like to thank our PE teachers M Tangney, Mr Dickens, Mr Manley, and Mrs Reardon for all their time spent planning to make this happen, it was a great and challenging learning experience for us.