Darfield Pump Track

Thanks to the hard work and initiative led by Josh Wilson and some of our biking students, final approval and work is due to start on this over the term holidays.

Following an initial submission to the Westview Development Fund through Selwyn District Council in September 2021 when some of our students approached them with the idea of creating a dedicated space for keen bikers, this looks like its coming to fruition.

Led by Year 12 student Josh Wilson with input from a number of other DHS and Darfield Primary school students, they provided photos, brainstormed lots of ideas, had google meetings and met with Pump track designers. We received confirmation this week that work is about to start!  Incorporating as many of the ideas and requests into the track has been managed. Photos of what the finished track will look like are shown with some long straights and a regular pump line. This will be a partial full coverage asphalt track. The split features will allow all levels of riders to utilise the track, the jump side of the split line will be of a similar size to the new Bexley track in Christchurch.