Brenna Rudman (Putiputi made by Kylah)

From the Tumuaki | Principal 2024, Term 1 Week 7

Tēnā koutou katoa (greetings to you all)

Last Friday (after I wrote my Dispatch!) we held our annual Colours Assembly in which we celebrate higher levels of academic achievement once exam results are confirmed. This is focused on Merit and Excellence endorsements which represent academic rigour, depth and breadth of understanding. It was great to see parents/whānau attend and celebrate with us - after all, the influence of home is huge in determining a student’s expectations, values and academic outcomes.

I’m very proud of our results from last year: at NCEA Level 2 we were 13.2% higher than the national average and at University Entrance (UE) we were 13.6% higher than the national average. At all other levels we were slightly higher as well. This is a measure of our students’ capacity, but also their home support and - I’m pleased to say - our staff’s capacity to deliver. Teachers do an amazing job, as do our ‘support staff’, and it’s down to all of us to set the tone for success.

It’s very important to me that we don’t just look at the end result too: each student has individual needs and strengths and progress is more important than the label of the final grade.

Our departments and Deans have been analysing last year’s results, looking for improvements, and our Board digested these reports at this week’s meeting. One challenge going forward is to maintain our academic courses while also offering a great range of vocational - or job-focused - courses so that all of our students’ skills are grown and needs are met.

Thank you to the Malvern Youth Trust who ran an excellent session for parents in our Hall on Monday. It was a great opportunity for parents to listen to experts, ask questions and understand we’re not alone!


Andy England

Tumuaki | Principal