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by Tracey Moore

Kahawai Bike Ride 11/09/2019

Rico and Sprite - September 19, 2019

On Wednesday, the 11th of September, 27 Kahawai students went on a three hour bike ride on the Passchendaele memorial track.

At the very start of it we learned about the battle of Passchendaele in Belgium, where 843 kiwi soldiers died on the same day: October 12. This went down in history as the most amount of New Zealand soldiers dead on the same day and was darkest day in nz history.

The bike ride was 16kms in total, 8kms there and 8kms back. On the way there we saw many pukekos on a paddock, Mr. Smith said there were about 300 of them. Further down the track we stopped for morning tea. At the end we were allowed to race. The ride was a great experience for everyone.

Written by Rico and Sprite